Best for most business types including S Corp, C Corp, LLC
Work with a local tax pro in office or from home
Tax expertise up to 30% less than a typical accountant or CPA
Year-round small business support — 100% accuracy guaranteed
Includes profit and loss statement and tax savings analysis
Best for sole proprietors and single-member LLCs
Get help from a live expert & AI Tax Assist
File yourself online any time, on any device
Simple income reporting
Easily upload your business tax docs from phone, computer, or tablet
To help you prepare for your tax appointment or for filing your own taxes, we’ve created a checklist to help you know what forms to bring.
With over 2 million businesses served each year, we’re prepared to handle any tax situation — no matter how complex. Plus, our tax pros are small business certified.
R3 Homes LLC
Bend, Oregon
“It’s important to have experts who are in your corner and actually want the best for you. We love working with our Block Advisors accountant. She knows exactly what’s going on.”
Beyond Boundaries
Rochester, New York
“One of the anxiety pieces of starting this business was our taxes. Then we found our Block Advisors tax pro. Whether it’s setting up an online meeting or a quick phone call, they’re always available to answer all of our questions.”
Our tax pros receive specialized training for business tax preparation.
You could save up to 30% when you work with us instead of a typical CPA or accountant.
Rest easy knowing your taxes, bookkeeping, and payroll will always be backed by our 100% Accuracy Guarantee.
We help more than 2 million businesses each year get every credit and deduction they deserve.