You didn’t start your business to do taxes. We did.

At home, in office, or drop off

File with a
tax pro

Starting at $210 + $75 per state filed

Best for most business types including S Corp, C Corp, LLC

Work with a local tax pro in office or from home

Tax expertise up to 30% less than a typical accountant or CPA

Year-round small business support — 100% accuracy guaranteed

Includes profit and loss statement and tax savings analysis

Learn more

File taxes on
your own

Starting at $
per state filed

Best for sole proprietors and single-member LLCs

Get help from a live expert & our AI Tax Assist

File yourself online any time, on any device

Simple income reporting

Easily upload your business tax docs from phone, computer, or tablet

Learn more

Pressed for time? Connect with your tax pro remotely by uploading your documents from your phone, computer, or tablet.

Make an appointment at an office near you and sit down with a tax pro who will prepare your return.

Drop off your docs at a local office. Review, approve, and sign your completed return virtually through the MyBlock app.

Experts in all things small business

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Small business tax preparation 101: What to bring to tax appointments

Beneficial Ownership Report Guide: Requirements and Meaning

How is an LLC taxed: What are your options?